Abid F.
Stockholm, Sweden
Local Time: 12:39 PM
$45.00 /hr

Knowledge Engineer: Taxnomoies, Ontologies, Knowledge Graph,


Abid Ali Fareedi is a seasoned Data Architect and Knowledge Engineer with over ten years of experience designing and implementing advanced data solutions. Specializing in Semantic Web technologies, ontologies, and knowledge graphs, Abid has become a leading figure in data management and semantic technology.

Abid Ali Fareedi's academic background provides a solid foundation in knowledge representation, reasoning, NLP, ML, AI and focusing on the GenAI landscape. Abid has honed their skills in creating complex ontologies and building scalable graphs that drive data integration and interoperability and enhance decision-making processes across various industries.


Ontology Engineering: Dr. Morgan has extensive experience developing robust ontologies using languages like OWL, RDF, and RDFS. They have led numerous projects where they designed domain-specific ontologies that became the backbone for enterprise data integration and semantic search solutions.

Knowledge Graphs: A recognized expert in knowledge graph development, Abid has built and deployed large-scale knowledge graphs for global organizations, enabling them to leverage interconnected data for advanced analytics, AI, and machine learning applications. Their work in this area has been instrumental in transforming raw data into actionable insights.

Semantic Web Technologies: Abid is proficient in Semantic Web technologies, including DL, SPARQL, Cypher, SHACL, and Linked Data principles. Their ability to design and implement semantic architectures has helped organizations unlock the full potential of their data by enabling seamless data sharing and integration across diverse sources.

Data Modeling and Integration: Abid is highly skilled in abstracting complex domain knowledge into formal data models that are both comprehensive and scalable. They have successfully integrated heterogeneous data sources into unified semantic frameworks, ensuring consistency, accuracy, and accessibility.

Top skills
Enterprise Architecture Standards & Tools: BPMN, SPARX, TOGAF, ArchiMate. Graph Databases: Neo4J, Ontotext. RDF-Based KGs Databases: Apache Jena, GraphDB, Stardog. Virtual KGs Systems: Ontop. Ontology and KGs Editing Tools: Protege 3.4., 5.6.4. Topbraid Composer, OntoStudio, WebProtege. Semantic Web Lang.: RDF, RDFs, OWL1, OWL2, DL Query, SPARQL Query, AIML markup, Cypher, SHACL, SWRL, FHIR, SQL. Relational Database: MS SQL Server, MS Access, My SQL-Workbench. Modeling Tools: Erwin, Lucidchart, Draw.io, MS Visio, CMap, UML, BPMN. Server and Frameworks: Jena API, OWLready, Apache Jena Fueski. Data Science: Data Analysis and Visualization : Using libraries Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn Data Science Tools/IDE: Pycharm, Anaconda Navigator, Jupyter notebook, Spyder, Google Colab. Operating Systems: DOS, Window 10, Linux Ubuntu. Programming Skills: C++, Java scripting, Java, Python Project Management Tools: Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Project, Jira, Trello, Slack

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