How to hire freelancers on

  • Access your posted jobs to see received proposals
    Go to your jobs by clicking the button "My Jobs" from your home page as shown below. Clicking on it will take you to your posted jobs page.

  • Locate and click on the particular job to see its received proposals
    Go to "Active Jobs"  tab and access the job to see its proposals as seen below. Click on the tiltle of the job you will be redirected to the proposals page.

  • View the proposal
    Go through the proposals for the particular job.  Click on "View Proposal" button to view proposal or click on the adjacent button to "Hire".

    "View Proposal"
    button will show you the following pop-up. Here you can can Hire , Shortlist, Message, or Reject.

    When you Hire the freelancer you will send the Offer to the freelancer as shown below. Fill in all the required details and send the offer.
    If a freelancer accepts your Offer your Contract with the freelancer starts.


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