Freelancer Account

  • Freelancer Account
    How to write/update my professional title?

    A professional title describes you in terms of your core expertise. It makes clients recognise you with their specific sought after expertise.

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  • Freelancer Account
    How to set or update my hourly rates?

    Hourly rate are the remuneration that you seek for providing the services. It also helps clients decide to choose you as a freelancer.

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  • Freelancer Account
    How to set/update my Experience?

    Your experience manifests the level of proficiency in your expertises or skills. It tells how adept and adroit you are at your skills. It also helps clients choose the freelancer best suited for their projects.

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  • Freelancer Account
    How to set or update my expertises/skills?

    Your set of skills or expertises briefly describe your professional/technical capabilities. Your skills/expertises help clients search for you with their preferred set of expertises.

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  • Freelancer Account
    How to set or update my About me?

    A brief description about yourself can make you stand out from others. It describes who you really are and what you do professionally. It also means to express your achievements in the relevant domains of your expertises.

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  • Freelancer Account
    How to set or update my industry?

    Selecting a specific industry helps you stand unique among a sea of different expertises. Industry on signifies your field of expertise. You can select a specific industry that represents your expertise or skills from our wid...

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  • Freelancer Account
    How to set/update my profile picture?

    Setting a new profile picture or updating/changing an already uploaded one on is easy and simple. You can follow the steps mentioned.

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