Initially you will set your Industry while building your freelancer profile for the very first time although you are allowed to update it later.
- Choose a category
You can select your category and sub category from the select boxes under the heading "Select your industry", Select the category first then the select box for selecting the sub category will appear. Select the category and sub category that describe the industry you have proficiency in.
- Choose a sub category
You can select sub category from the "Select a sub category" dropdown box that appears after you have selected the category.
- Update the category and sub category
Visit your Home page by clicking the "Prowurk" icon or "My Home". On left side you will see your profile photo and some other icons as shown below. Click on the green pencil icon just beside "Profile Category". Clicking on the pencil will make a pop up appear. - Select your new category and sub category
Select your category and sub category by clicking on the respective select boxes. After selecting new category and sub category click on "Save category" to save the new category and sub category.